ACSOT Standing together for societal transformation!​
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The Association for Civil Society Organizations in Tigray (ACSOT), contracted to implement a
project financed by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), successfully organized the
Assessment Tool Validation Workshop on June 27, 2024, at the Home Land Hotel in Mekelle.
The event saw active participation from invited government representatives, reviewers, and CSO
representatives. PUM Consultancy, the contractor for the landscape assessment project,
presented the draft assessment tool during a 40-minute session. This was followed by a 40-
minute comment session featuring insights from reviewers, ACSOT Board members, and
representatives from CSOs, the Bureau of Justice, the Bureau of Finance and Economic
Development’s AID Coordination Department, the Bureau of Social Affairs and Rehabilitation,
and the Statistics Bureau. The feedback and support for the data collection process provided
during these sessions were invaluable. The workshop concluded with reflections from PUM
Consultancy and closing remarks from the ACSOT Executive Director: yared Berhe,
emphasizing key takeaways for the consultants.

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