ACSOT Standing together for societal transformation!​
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The Alliance of Civil Society Organizations of Tigray (ACSOT) is a non-governmental, non-profit, non-partisan and multi-sector regional CSOs consortium founded in 2007 G.C. and re-registered as per the proclamation of CSOs Proclamation No. 1113/2019 as an Ethiopian Regional consortium. Currently, ACSOT embraces 124 national and regional CSOs operating allover Tigray.


Member CSOs
  1. Human Rights, Governance and Democratization
  2. Agriculture and Food Security
  3. Youth Development
  4. Social Services Development
  5. Gender and Social Inclusion
  6. Disability Inclusion

Strategic Objectives

Strategic Outcomes


ACSOT is established as an umbrella of Tigray CSOs where capacity buildings and networking, coordination of advocacy, collaborative works, resource mobilization, lobbying and creating an enabling environment at regional and national settings are the main intervention areas to be implemented in a coordinated manner. Previously, these interventions were implemented across CSOs independently where duplication of resources and efforts were common. Furthermore, the consortium is also helpful in conducting consolation, dialogues, forum and other workshops among the CSOs and between the CSOs and the government, and between local NGOs and international NGOs. For this and other similar reasons and in order for CSOs to have collective voices, ACSOT was established and took a lead on organizing, networking and coordinating philanthropic activities in the region and contribute to the overall success of the plan of the region.


ACSOT aspires to be a dependable alliance that strives for the well-being of the society.


The mission of ACSOT is to advance civil society sector through capacity building, public policy and advocacy, partnership and networking among its constituents and stakeholders thereby ensuring institutional excellence and the general welfare of the society.


ACSOT believes human suffering must be addressed whenever it is found to protect life and health and ensure respect for human beings.

ACSOT overall priority actions has delivered without discrimination on the basis of nationality, race, gender, religious belief, class or political opinions.

ACSOT actions are believed to be autonomous from the political, economic, military or other objectives that any actors may hold with regard to areas where priority actions are being implemented

ACSOT strives to be inclusive for the vulnerable people of persons with disabilities, children, women and elders in all its programs.    

The building block for lasting relationships by partners and stakeholders is transparent and confidence by member organizations, partners, stakeholders and the public at large.

This refers to the member organizations & ACSOT itself to be accountable for all actions and decisions made in every aspect of their operations.

Projects implemented and Experiences with different donors​

This project was funded by World Bank and managed by VNG Netherlands management agency. ACSOT had been working in this project for more than 9 years, the first 3 years as implementing partner in the southern zone, Endamokeni district and the rest of 6 years as a lead organization operating in 24 woredas of Tigray literally in all zones. Western zone to southern zone of Tigra and in two woredas of Afar Berahle and Abe’alla. ACSOT used to work as a lead of 7 member CSOs under this project. The main aim of the project was to raise the level of awareness of the right holders on their entitlement and enhance responsiveness of duty bearers to ensure transparency and accountability.  Main operational focus of the project of the ESAP2 projects were on the five basic sectors, (Agriculture, WASH, Rural Road, Education and Health.

This project was funded by CSSP1, implemented in 9 woredas. This project was implemented by four CSOs, ACSOT being a lead and the rest 3 implementing member organizations. Project operational werdas were southern (Raya-Alamata, Raya Azebo and offla), Eastern (Irob, Kilte-Awlaelo and Sasie-Tsaedamba); Central Zones (, Ahferom, Adwa and Tahtai-Maichew) of Tigray. In this project, main focus areas were, Networking, capacity building and linking of the woreda level CSOs with Tabias and village levels and ensure the inter and intra support of the SOs and community organizations.

This project was funded by CSSP1 as a program grant, and under this action 10 implementing and one lead organization (ACSOT). Areas of focus were Income Generating Activity, capacity building of CSOs supports the hard to reach, information sharing. This project had implemented in 10 woredas layed from the Raya Allamata to Kafta Humera,

This project was funded by CCRDA.  This project was implemented at regional level Mekelle to strengthen the network of CSOs working on HIV AIDs and Government institutions to mainstream the action. 

This project was funded by UNAIDS. Operational Areas of the project were for CSOs operating in HIV/AIDS all over Tigray. The purpose was to network and help them to get information easily from the grassroots level.

This project was very small project for the duration of six months, funded by World Bank (WB) and implemented at Addi-Gudom, on capacity building and networking civil society for a better dialogue and space for the CSOs;

This project was supported by the European Union and technically supported by EC-CSF. In this project, ACSOT used to work implementing partner, in collaboration with other CSOs and the project was led by REST. The responsibility of ACSOT was training and networking part of the activities;

This project was funded by CSSP1, this fund was used to build the establishment of GO-CSOs forum and on strengthening the relationship between the government and CSOs;

Project funded by CSSP2, and implemented by 5 CSOs, ACSOT being a lead, mainly concentrates on the overall coordination and monitoring of the project.

This project was funded by EU, implemented by ACSOT in four woredas (Kollatembien, Hawzien, Yechilla, and Degua-Tembien.

This project was implemented with the Ethiopian Civil Society forum funded by CSSP2, implemented at regional level to strengthen the regional Standard operational procedures (SOP). The main purpose of this project was to bring all actors use the same source of data and standardize it. 

Project led by ASDEPO, implemented by ACSOT in Maichew town, funded by the CSSP2. Currently in the implementation process.

This project is being funded by World Bank and managed by VNG International (Netherlands) management agency. ACSOT is implementing this project as lead partner in 14 woredas of Tigray literally in 3 zones.  The main focus of this project is to resume citizen engagement regarding health, education and WASH service restoration priorities in the region.


Since its establishment, ACSOT has accumulated a wide range of experiences from the diversified programs and projects it implemented. Resource mapping workshop.



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Mekelle Debre Damo , At Egrimitakl Building Second floor